How to behave on an internet forum

Wo, wenn nicht hier? Wann, wenn nicht jetzt? :mrgreen:

How To Behave On An Internet Forum

Vor allem Step 6:

Respect the Admins

It's their website, and they can do whatever the hell they like with it. You're a guest, and hassling them about how they run things is akins to going round your Auntie's house and curling one out in her tea-pot.

Und wem das alles zu schnell geht: hier gibt es den ganzen Text auch zum Nachlesen.

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2 Antworten zu How to behave on an internet forum

  1. Wilfried sagt:

    So who’s curling YOU?
    Hope you don’t feel harassed by my latest email…

  2. uschi sagt:

    sehr schön, but he talks a bit fast ey?

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